The government has been all talk and no action on sustainability. It’s collected millions in waste tax and not invested this money into key sustainable initiatives. As a state, we are behind all other states in recycling and sustainability.
Oscar currently works full time for a sustainability company and believes in the “think global act local” message. It’s important to work with local organisations to ensure we do our part to reduce harm to the environment. He will be asking the newly elected government to devise new strategies for recycling and explore plans for the bulk purchasing of rain water tanks, subsidise green waste recycling bins and re-introduce subsides for solar schemes.

He will also ensure that there are sufficient markets available to take our paper, plastic bottles, cans and other recyclables and he will seek out funding to ensure that new tree species are planted.
Oscar will campaign for reverse vending machines (return and earn container deposit scheme) to be introduced and he promises to work with Moreland Council to introduce new rebates for the collection of whitegoods, TV’s, electrical goods, clothing and computers.