The community has expressed concern about traffic in our local area for years. The average motor vehicle in Moreland per household is 1.6 and the most common method of travel to work is by car 54.9% (19,247).
It’s the state government that has a key role in maintaining our roads. The reason for much of the congestion and gridlock is due to poor planning. Oscar will fight for grade separation at Glenroy Crossing, Bell Street Coburg, Devon Road Oak Park and Gaffney St Pascoe Vale. We have heard many promises to fix our local roads but MP’s have not delivered.
Oscar is in favour of an alternative East-West route that will ease traffic and alleviate congestion on our roads. He will also continue the fight for the removal of the Moreland Road gantry.

Public Transport
Our current public transport is not adequate, it’s not reliable, frequent or regular. Pascoe Vale cannot be the second cousin for road infrastructure projects.
Our population is increasing and it’s predicted that by 2036 the Moreland population is to be 228,807, (48.3%) – biggest fastest growth in Moreland’s history will be between now and 2021. Oscar will ensure there is adequate investment in public transport infrastructure.
He will advocate for the Sydney Road tram to extend past Bakers Road Coburg to the Western Ring Road. The extension has a strong business case and has previously been costed but ends up in the too hard basket by successive governments.
Furthermore, Oscar will campaign to ensure the government considers his idea of an Outer Rim Train (ORT). The train would generally follow the Metropolitan Ring road or go underground at certain locations. The train would connect to key lines and include the Airport. It will help people get to their jobs, schools, services and family quicker and easier. The ORT would take traffic off our congested roads and ease the pressure.